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The Faces of Sedgewood Plantation

Sedgewood Plantation is 100% family run with no outside labor. This is made possible by ingenuity, increased efficiencies from creative uses of technology and machinery, and sheer determination to accomplish what must be done. Our family members listed below are responsible for making this happen.

Bill Howard

I was raised on this farm and began managing the cattle operation after Daddy's death in 1965 while I was still in high school.  Although born and bred a cattleman, I also pursued other endevors, first as a Chemical Engineer and later as a Medical Doctor.  My life goals have been to raise a terrific family, restore and preserve Sedgewood Plantation, and build the best Registered Angus herd in the Mid South.

Judy Moyers

Nancy's sister, Judy, initially came from Louisiana to restore Sedgewood's stained glass and stayed on to become the right hand for Bill and Nancy on the farm.  Judy is a Jack-of All-Trades that can do literally anything and everything.  What she lacks in size is more than made up for by her determination and imagination.     

Ann Howard Hinds &

Ashley Howard Schurch

Prior to getting married and moving out of state, Ann and Ashley clipped pastures during the summer, helped work the cattle, and added immeasurable life to our universe here at Sedgewood.


Ann completed her Doctorate Degree in Audiology and now practices in Whitefish, Montana.  Her husband Andrew finished Law School at LSU.  While she loves Montana, Ann looks forward to the time when she can move back home to Mississippi.

Ashley is a professional photographer and graphic artist for her business Ashley Schurch Fine Art Photography. Her husband Zach finished Dental School in Charleston, SC and they now live in Brandon, Mississippi, where he practices Dentistry.  

Nancy Howard

Nancy came from Louisiana to go to Nursing School at Mississippi College and stayed on to be the Head Nurse of the Pediatric Emergency Room and the Pediatric Outpatient Clinics at the University of Mississippi Medical Center.  After our third child was born, Nancy retired from Pediatric nursing at UMMC to stay home to raise her babies and become the Head Nurse for the many Angus babies born each calving season.  

John Howard

John is the oldest of our three children.  He has spent the last several years in Houston, Texas where he did his Family Medicine residency.  John is married to Allison Taylor, an ICU BSRN and a wonderful girl just like his Mom!  He developed this website, can weld and repair equipment, and helps with the cattle when he can.  John and Allison moved back to Mississippi in April 2023 to be near the farm.  He is now practicing medicine in the Jackson VA Hospital Outpatient Clinics

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